peer reviwed publications
Cuesta-Astroz Y., Oliveira G. (2018) Computational and Experimental Approaches to Predict Host–Parasite Protein–Protein Interactions. In: von Stechow L., Santos Delgado A. (eds) Computational Cell Biology. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 1819. Humana Press, New York, NY. Link
Vaz, A., Fonseca, P., Badotti, F., Skaltsas, D., Tomé, L.M., Silva, A., Cunha, M., Soares, M, Santos, V., Oliveira, G., Chaverri, P., Góes-Neto, A. A multiscale study of fungal endophyte communities of the foliar endosphere of native rubber trees in Eastern Amazon. 2018. Scientific Reports. 8:16151. DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-34619-w PDF
Oliveira, H.O., Castro, G.L.S., Correa, L.O., Silvestre, W.V.D., Nascimento, S.V., Valadares, R.B.S., Oliveira, G., Santos, R.I.N., Festucci-Buselli, R.A., Pinheiro, H.A. Coupling physiological analysis with proteomic profile to understand the photosynthetic responses of young açaí palm to drought. 2018. Journal Photosynthesis Research. Accepted. PDF
Almeida, S.F., Silva, L.R.C., Chagas-Junior, G.C.A., Oliveira, G., Silva, S.H.M., Vasconcelos, S., Lopes, A.S. Diversity of yeasts during fermentation of cocoa from two sites in the Brazilian Amazon. 2018. Acta Amazonica. Acta Amazonica. 49(1):64-70. PDF
PIPEBAR and OverlapPER: tools for a fast and accurate DNA barcoding analysis and paired-end assembly.2018. BMC Bioinformatics. 19(297): 1-10. PDF
Herrera, H., Valadares, R., Oliveira, G., Fuentes, A., Almonacid, L., Bashan, Y., Arriagada, C. Adaptation and tolerance mechanisms developed by mycorrhizal Bipinnula fimbriata plantlets (Orchidaceae) in a heavy metal-polluted ecosystem. 2018. Mycorrhiza. Mycorrhiza. 28(7):651-663. PDF
Maldonado, L., Stegmayer, G., Milone, D., Oliveira, G., Rosenzvit, M., Kamenetzky, L. Whole genome analysis of codon usage in Echinococcus. 2018. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 225:54-66. PDF
Bosse, M., Heuwieser, A., Heinzel, A., Lukas, A., Oliveira, G., Mayer, B.. Biomarker panels for characterizing microbial community biofilm formation as composite molecular process. PLoS One. 13(8): e0202032. PDF
Souza, K.P., Setúbal, J.C., Carvalho, A.C.P.L.F., Oliveira, G., Chateau, A., Alves, R.C.O. Machine Learning Meets Genome Assembly. 2018. Briefings in Bioinformatics. Accepted. PDF
Nunes, G.L., Oliveira, R.R.M., Guimarães, J.T.F., Giulietti, A.M., Caldeira, C., Vasconcelos, S., Pires, E., Dias, M., Watanabe, M., Pereira, J., Jaffé, R., Bandeira, C.H.M.M., Carvalho-Filho, N., Silva, E.F., Rodrigues, T.M., Santos, F.M.G., Fernandes, T., Castilho, A., Souza-Filho, P.W.M., Imperatriz-Fonseca, V., Siqueira, J.O., Alves, R., Oliveira, G. Quillworts from the Amazon: a multidisciplinary populational study on Isoetes serracarajensis and Isoetes cangae. PLoS One. 13(8): e0201417. PDF
Ramalho, A.J, Zappi, D.C., Nunes, G.L., Watanabe, M.T.C., Vasconcelos, S., Dias, M.C., Jaffé, R., Prous, X., Giannini, T.C., Oliveira, G., Giulietti, A.M. Blind testing: DNA barcoding sheds light upon the identity of plant fragments as a subsidy for cave conservation. 2018. Frontiers in Plant Science. 9:1052. PDF
Lanes, E., Pope, N.S., Alvez, R., Carvalho-Filho, N.M., Giannini, T.C., Giulietti, A.M., Imperatriz-Fonseca, V.L., Monteiro, W., Oliveira, G., Silva, A.R., Siqueira, J.O., Souza-Filho, P.M.W., Vasconcelos, S., Jaffé, R. Landscape genomic conservation assessment of a narrow-endemic and a widespread morning glory from Amazonian savannas. 2018. Frontiers Plant Science. 9:532. PDF
Nascimento, S.V., Magalhães, M.M., Cunha, R.L., Costa, P.H.O., Alves, R.C.O., Oliveira, G., Valadares, R. Differential accumulation of proteins in oil palms affected by Fatal Yellowing disease. 2018. PLoS One. 13(4): e0195538. PDF
Santos, V.C.A., Correa, L., Meiguins, B., Oliveira, G., Alves, R. Metagenomics-based signature pattern cluster and interactive visualization analysis. 2018. IEEE IJCNN Conference Proceedings. Accepted.
Castro, A.C.H., Kochi, L., Moço, A.C.R., Coimbra, R.S., Oliveira, G., Cuadros-Orellana, S., Madurro, J.M., Brito-Maduro, A.G. A new genosensor for meningococcal meningitis diagnosis using biological samples. 2018. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry. Online 1-8. PDF
Jaffé, R., Prous, X., Calux, A., Gastauer, M., Nicacio, G., Souza-Filho, P.W.M., Imperatriz-Fonseca, V.L., Oliveira, G., Brandi, I.V., Siqueira, J.O. Conserving relics from ancient underground worlds: Assessing the influence of cave and landscape features on obligate subterranean dwellers from the Eastern Amazon. 2018. PeerJ. 6:e4531. PDF
Radio, S., Fontenela, S., Solana, Salim, A.C.M., Araújo, F.M.G., Ortiz, P., Hoban, C. Miranda, E., Gayo, V., Pais, F.S.M., Solana, H., Oliveira, G. Smircich, P., Tort, P. Pleiotropic alterations in gene expression in Latin American Fasciola hepatica isolates with different susceptibility to drugs. 2018. Parasites & Vectors. 11(56):1-11.PDF
Oliveira, R.R.M., Pires, E.S., Vasconcelos, S., Pietrobon, T., Prous, X., Oliveira, G. Complete mitochondrial genome of Glomeridesmus spelaeus (Diplopoda), a troglobitic species from Carajas iron-ore caves (Para, Brazil). bioRxiv. 2018. PDF
Giulietti, A.M., Oliveira, G., Jaffé, R. O fim desta viagem / The end of this In: Paisagens e Plantas de Carajás / Landscapes and Plants of Carajás. ed. Instituto Tecnológico Vale, 2017, v.1, p. 221-231. PDF
Cuesta-Astroz, Y., Santos, A., Oliveira, G., Jensen, L.J. An integrative method to unravel the host-parasite interactome: an orthology-based approach. 2017. bioRxiv. PDF
Nancucheo, I., Bittencourt, J., Sahoo, P.K., Alves, J.O., Siqueira, J.O., Oliveira, G. Recent developments for remediating acidic mine waters using sulfidogenic bacteria. 2017. BioMed Research International. 2017:1-17. PDF
Pádua, F.; Castro, A.; Silva, J.; Oliveira, G.; Cuadros, S.; Madurro, J.; Brito-Madurro, A. A novel polymer-based genosensor for the detection and quantification of Streptococcus pneumoniae in genomic DNA sample. 2017. Polymer Engineering & Science. Accepted.
Nancucheo, I., Johnson, D.B., Lopes, M., Oliveira, G. Reductive Dissolution of a Lateritic Ore Containing Rare Earth Elements (REE) Using Acidithiobacillus Species. 2017. Solid State Phenomena. 262: 299-302. PDF
Figueiró, H.V., Li, G., Trindade, F.J., Assis, J., Pais, F., Fernandes, G., Santos, S.H.D., Hughes, G.M., Komissarov, A., Antunes, A., Trinca, C.S., Rodrigues, M.R., Linderoth, T., Bi, K., Silveira, L., Azevedo, F.C.C., Kantek, D., Ramalho, E., Barrasaloti, R.A., Villela, P.M.S., Nunes, A.L.V., Teixeira, R.H.F., Morato, R.G., Loska, D., Saragueta, P., Gabaldón, T., Teeling, E.C., O’Brien, S.J., Nielsen, R., Coutinho, L.L., Oliveira, G., Murphy, W.J., Eizirik, E. Genome-wide signatures of complex introgression and adaptive evolution in the big cats. 2017. Science Advances. 3(7): e1700299. PDF
Medeiros, J.D., Leite, L.R., Pylro, V.S., Silva, F., Mendes, V., Fernandes, G.R., Salim, A.C., Araújo, F., Volpini, A.C., Oliveira, G., Cuadros-Orellana, S. Single-cell sequencing reveals metal-adapted strains and the effect of phage predation on the microevolution of Chitinophagaceae in acid mine drainage. 2017. Molecular Ecology. 5541-5551. PDF
Babiychuk, E., Kushnir, S., Vasconcelos, S., Dias, M.C., Carvalho-Filho, N., Nunes, G.L., Santos, J.F., Tyski, L., Silva, D.F., Castilho, A., Fonseca, V.L.I., Oliveira, G. Natural history of the narrow endemics Ipomoea cavalcantei and I. marabaensis from Amazon Canga savannahs. 2017. Scientific Reports. 7:7493. PDF
Jeremias, W.J., Araújo, F.M.G., Queiroz, F.R., Pais, F.S.M., Mattos, A.C.A., Coelho, P.M.Z.C., Oliveira, G., Kusel, J.R., Guerra-Sá, J.R., Coimbra, R.S., Babá, E.H. Comparative sequence analysis reveals regulation of genes in developing schistosomula of Schistosoma mansoni exposed to host portal serum. 2017. PLoS One. E 12(6): e0178829. PDF
Adema, C.M; Hillier, L.W; Jones, C.S.; Loker, E.S.; Knight, M.; Minx, P.; Oliveira, G.; Raghavan, N.; Shedlock, A.; do Amaral, L.R.; Arican-Goktas, H.D.; Assis, J.G.; Baba, E.H.; Baron, O.L.; Bayne, C.J.; Bickham-Wright, U.; Biggar, K.K.; Blouin, M.l; Bonning, B.C.; Botka, C.; Bridger, J.M.; Buckley, K.M.; Buddenborg, S.K.; Lima Caldeira, R.; Carleton, J.; Carvalho, O.S.; Castillo, M.G.; Chalmers, I.W.; Christensens, M.; Clifton, S.; Cosseau, C.; Coustau, C.; Cripps, R.M.; Cuesta-Astroz, Y.; Cummins, S.F.; di Stephano, L.; Dinguirard, N.; Duval, D.; Emrich, S.; Feschotte, C.; Feyereisen, R.; FitzGerald, P.; Fronick, C.; Fulton, L.; Galinier, R.; Gava, S.G.; Geusz, M.; Geyer, K.K.; Giraldo-Calderón, G; de Souza Gomes, M.; Gordy, M.A.; Gourbal, B.; Grunau, C.; Hanington, P.C.; Hoffmann, K.F.; Hughes, D.; Humphries, J.; Jackson, D.J.; Jannotti-Passos, L.K.; de Jesus Jeremias, W.; Jobling, S.; Kamel, B.; Kapusta, A.; Kaur, Satwant; Koene, JM.; Kohn, AB.; Lawson, D.; Lawton, SP; Liang, D.; Limpanont, Y.; Liu, S.; Lockyer, A.E.; Lovato, T.L.; Ludolf, F.; Magrini, V.; McManus, D.P.; Medina, M.; Misra, M.; Mitta, G.; Mkoji, G.M.; Montague, M.J.; Montelongo, C.; Moroz, L.L.; Munoz-Torres, M.C.; Niazi, U.; Noble, L.R.; Oliveira, F.S.; Pais, F.S.; Papenfuss, A.T.; Peace, R.; Pena, J.J.; Pila, E.A.; Quelais, T.; Raney, B.J.; Rast, J.P.; Rollinson, D.; Rosse, I.C.; Rotgans, B.; Routledge, E.J.; Ryan, K.M.; Scholte, L.L. S.; Storey, K.B.; Swain, M.; Tennessen, J.A.; Tomlinson, C.; Trujillo, Da.L.; Volpi, E.V.; Walker, A.J.; Wang, T.; Wannaporn, I.; Warren, W.C.; Wu, X.; Yoshino, T.P.; Yusuf, M.; Zhang, S.; Zhao, M.; Wilson, R.K. 2017. Whole genome analysis of a schistosomiasis-transmitting freshwater snail. Nature Communications. 8:15451. PDF
Siniscalchi, L.A.b., Leite, L.R., Oliveira, G., Chernicharo, C.A.L., Araújo, J.C. Illumina sequencing-based analysis of a microbial community enriched under anaerobic methane oxidation condition coupled to denitrification revealed coexistence of aerobic and anaerobic methanotrophs. 2017. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 24(20):16751-16764. PDF
Scholte, L., Mourão, M.M., Pais, F., Melesina, J., Robaa, D., Volpini, A.C., Sippl, W., Pierce, R.J., Oliveira, G., Nahum, L. Evolutionary relationships among protein lysine deacetylases of parasites causing neglected diseases. 2017. Infection, Genetics and Evolution. 53:175-188.
Gava, S.G., Paula, N.C.C.S.T., Salim, A.C.M., Araújo, F.M.G., Oliveira, G., Mourão, M. Schistosoma mansoni: off-target analyses using nonspecific double-stranded RNAs as control for RNAi experiments in schistosomula. 2017. Experimental Parasitology. 177:98-103. PDF
Badotti, F., Garcia, C.F., Vaz, A.B.M., Fonseca, P.L.C., Nahum, L.A., Oliveira, G., Góes-Neto, A. Effectiveness of ITS and sub-regions as DNA barcode markers for the identification of Basidiomycota (Fungi). 2017. BMC Microbiology. Accepted.
Maldonado, L.L.; Assis, J.; Araújo, F.M.G.; Salim, A.C.M.; Macchiaroli, N.; Cucher, M.; Camicia, F.; Fox, A.; Rosenzvit, M.; Oliveira, G.; Kamenetzky, L. The Echinococcus canadensis (G7) genome: a key knowledge of parasitic plathyhelmith human diseases. 2017. BMC Genomics. 18:204. PDF
Cuesta-Astroz , Y., Oliveira, F.S., Nahum, L.A., Oliveira, G. Helminth secretomes reflect different lifestyles and parasitized hosts. Int. J. Parasitology. 2017. 47:529-544. PDF
Vaz, A.B.M., Fonseca, P.L.C., Leite, L.R., Badotti, F., Salim, A.C.M., Araújo, F.M.G., Cuaros-Orellana, S., Duarte, A.A., Rosa, C.A., Oliveira, G., Góes-Neto, A. Using Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) to uncover diversity of wood-decaying fungi in neotropical atlantic forests. 2017. Phytotaxa. 295(1):1-21. PDF
Rozas, E., Mendes, M.A., Nascimento, C.A.O., Espinosa, D.C., Oliveira, R., Oliveira, G., Custodio, M.R. Bioleaching of electronic waste using bacteria isolated from the marine sponge Hymeniacidon heliophila (Porifera). 2017. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 329:120-130. PDF
Rosse, I.C., Assis, J.G., Oliveira, F.S., Leite, L.R., Araújo, F., Zerlotini, A., Volpini, A., Dominitini, A.J., Lopes, B.C., Arbex, W.A., Machado, M.A., Peixoto, M.G.C.D., Verneque, R.S., Martins, M.F., Coimbra, R.S., Silva, M.V.G.B, Oliveira, G., Carvalho, M.R.S. Whole-genome sequencing of Guzerá cattle: SNPs and INDELs in genes associated with production traits, disease resistance and heat tolerance. 2017. Mammalian Genome. 28(1-2):66-80. PDF
Jaffé, R., Prous, X., Giannini, T.C., Imperatriz-Fonseca, V.L., Maurity, C., Oliveira, G., Zampaulo, R., Siqueira, J.O. (2016) Reconciling mining with the conservation of cave biodiversity: A quantitative baseline to help establish conservation priorities. PLoS One. 11(12): e0168348. PDF
Book Chapter: Tavares, N.C., Aguiar, P.H.N., Gava, S.G., Oliveira, G., Mourão, M.M. (2016). Schistosomiasis: Setting Routes for Drug Discovery, Special Topics in Drug Discovery, Dr. Taosheng Chen (Ed.), InTech, DOI: 10.5772/65386. Available here.
Martins, A.S., Ferreira, B.O., Ribeiro, N.C., Martins, R., Leite, L.R., Oliveria, G., Colturato, L.F., Chernicharo, C.A., Araújo, J.C. Metagenomic analysis and performance of a mesophilic aerobic reactor treating food waste at various load rates. 2016. Environmental Technology. In Press. PDF
Santana, R.S.M., Fernandes, G.W., Ávila, M.P., Reis, M.P., Araújo, F.M.G., Salim, A.C., Oliveira, G., Chartone-Souza, E., Nascimento, A.M.A. Endophytic Microbiota Associated with the Root Tips and Leaves of Baccharis dracunculifolia. Braz. Arch. Biol. Technol. 59: e16160287. PDF
Reis, E.P,. Paixão, D.M., Brustoini, O.J.B., Silva, F.F., Silva, W., Araújo, F.M.G., Salim, A.C.M., Oliveira, G., Guimarães, S.E.F. Expression of myogenes in longissimus dorsi muscle during prenatal development in commercial and local Piau pigs. 2016. Genetics and Molecular Biology. 39(4):589-599. PDF
Magalhães, D., Scholte, L.L.S., Silva, N.V., Oliveria, G.C., Zipfel, C., Takita, M.A., Souza, A.A. LRR-RLK Family from two Citrus species: Genome-wide identification and evolutionary aspects. 2016. BMC Genomics. 17:623. PDF
Semenchenko, A., Oliveira, G., Atman, A.P.F. Hybrid agent-based model for quantitative in-silico cell-free protein synthesis. 2016. BioSystems. 150:22–34. PDF
Pylro, V., Morais, D.K., Oliveira, F.S., Santos, F.G., Lemos, L.N., Oliveira, G., Roesch, L.F.W. Brazilian Microbiome Project OS: The most flexible and user-friendly tool sets for microbiome studies. 2016. Microbial Ecology. 72:443-447. PDF
Leite, L., Medeiros, J., Fernandes, G., Araújo, F.M.G., Pylro, V., Salim, A., Volpini, A., Oliveira, G., Cuadros-Orellana, S. Draft Genome Sequence of Hydrotalea flava strain CCUG 51397 (T). 2016. Genome Announcement. 4(3): e00527-16. PDF
Holanda, R., Hedrich, S., Ñancucheo, I., Oliveira, G., Grail, B.M., Johnson, D.B. Isolation and characterisation of mineral-oxidizing “Acidibacillus” spp. from mine sites and geothermal environments in different global locations. 2016. Research in Microbiology. 167:613-623. PDF
Assis, R.R., Ludolf, F., Nakajima, R., Jasinskas, A., Oliveira, G.C., Felgner, P.L., Gaze, S.T., Loukas, A., LoVerde, P.T., Bethony, J.M., Correa-Oliveira, R., Calzavara-Silva, C.E. Next-generation proteome array for Schistosoma mansoni: determining the immunome of schistosomiasis. 2016. International Journal for Parasitology. 26:411-415. PDF
Reis, M.P, Dias, M.F., Costa, P.S., Ávila, M.P., Leite, L.R., Araújo, F.M.G., Salim, A.C., Bucciarelli-Rodriguez, M., Oliveria, G., Chartone-Souza, E., Nascimento, A.M.A. Metagenomic signatures of a tropical mining-impacted stream reveal complex microbial and metabolic networks. 2016. Chemosphere. 161:266-273.
Ñancucheo, I., Oliveira, R., Dall'Agnol, H., Johnson, B., Grail, B., Holanda, R., Nunes, G.L., Orellana, S.C., Oliveira, G. Draft Genome Sequence of a Novel Species of Acidophilic Iron-oxidizing Firmicutes, “Acidibacillus ferrooxidans” (SLC66T). Genome Announcements. 2016. 4(3): e00383-16. PDF
Chevalier, F.D., Clec'h, W.L., Enga, N., Rugel, A.R., Assis, R.R., Oliveira, G., Holloway, S.P., Cao, S., Hart, P.J., LoVerde, R.T., Anderson, T.J.C. Independent 1 origins of loss-of-function mutations conferring oxamniquine resistance in a Brazilian schistosome population. International Journal for Parasitology. 2016. 46:417-424. PDF
Zukurov, J.P., Nascimento-Brito, S., Volpini, A., Oliveira, G., Janini, L.M.R., Antoneli, F. Estimation of genetic diversity in viral populations from next generation sequencing data with extremely deep coverage. Algorithms for Molecular Biology. 2016. 2016. 11(2):1-15. PDF
Dall'Agnol, H., Ñancucheo, I., Johnson, B., Oliveira, R., Leite, L., Pylro, V., Holanda, R., Grail, B., Carvalho, N., Nunes, G.L., Tzotzos, G., Fernandes, G.R., Dutra, J., Orellana, S.C., Oliveira, G. Draft genome sequence of “Acidibacillus ferrooxidans” ITV01, a novel acidophilic Firmicute isolated from a chalcopyrite mine drainage site in Brazil. 2016. Genome Announcement. 4(2): e01748-15. PDF
Dias, M.F., Colturato, L.F., Oliveira, J.P., Leite, L.R., Oliveira, G., Chernicharo, C.A., Araújo, J.C. Metagenomic analysis of a desulphurisation system used to treat biogas from 1 vinasse methanisation. 2016. Bioresource Technology. 205:58-66. PDF
Silva, D.M., Silva, M.P., Vidigal, P.M., Oliveira, G.C., Ribon, A.O.B. Draft genome sequences of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from subclinical bovine mastitis in Brazil. 2016. Genome Announcements. 4(1):e01594-15. PDF
Laguardia-Nascimento, M., Branco, K.M.G.R., Gasparini, M.R., Giannattasio-Ferraz, S., Araujo, F.M.G., Nicoli, J.R., Oliveira, G., Barbosa-Stancioli, E.F. Vaginal microbiome characterization of nellore cattle using metagenomic analysis. 2015. PLoS One. 10(11): e0143294. PDF
Rodrigues, L.P., Ferreira, D.C., Ferreira, Cuadros-Orellana, S., Oliveira, G.C., Brito-Madurro, A.G., Oliveira, R.J., Abrahão Jr., Odonírio, Madurro, J.M. Electropolymerization of hydroxyphenylacetic acid isomers and the development of a bioelectrode for the diagnosis of bacterial meningitis. 2015. Journal of Applied Eletrochemistry. 45:1277-1287. PDF
Valdivia, H.O., Scholte, L.L.S., Oliveira, G., Gabaldon, T., Bartholomeu, D.C. Phylogenomics of six Leishmania species reveals lineage-specific gene family expansions driving parasite adaptation. 2015. BMC Genomics. 16:887. PDF
Nascimento-Brito, S., Zukurov, J.P., Maricato, J.T., Volpini, A.C., SalimA.C., AraújoF.M.G., Coimbra, R.S., Oliveira, G., Antoneli, F., Janini. L.M.R. HIV-1 Tropism determines different mutation profiles in proviral DNA. 2015. PLoS One. 10(9):e0139037. PDF
Almeida, G.T., Lage,R.C.G., Anderson. L., Venancio, T.M., Nakaya, H.I., Miyasato, P.A., Rofatto, H.K., Zerlotini, A., Nakano, E., Oliveira, G., Verjovski-Almeida, S. Synergy of omeprazole and praziquantel in vitro treatment against Schistosoma mansoni adult worms. 2015, PLoS NTD. 9(9): e0004086. PDF
Kehdy, F.S.G , Gouveia, M.H., Magalhães, W.C.S., Hormoto, A.R., Horta, B.L., Moreira, R.G., Leal, T.P., Scliar, M.O., Soares-Souza, G.B., Rodrigues-Soares, F., Araújo, G.S., Zamudio, R., Anna, H.P.S., Santos, H.C., Duarte, N.E., Fiaconne, R.L., Figueiredo, C.A., Silva, T.M., Costa, G.N.O., Beleza, S., Berg, D.E., Cabrera, L., Debortoli, G, Duarte, D., Ghirotto, S., Gilman, R.H., Gonçalves, V.F., Marrero, A.R., Muniz, Y.C., Weissensteiner, H., Yeager, M., Rodrigues, L.C., Barreto, M.L., Lima-Costa, F., Pereira, A.Cc, Rodrigues, M.R., Tarazona-Santos, E., EPIGEN Project Consortium. Origin and dynamics of admixture in Brazilians and its effect on the pattern of deleterious mutations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2015. (author as member of the EPIGEN Project Consortium). 112(28):8696-8701. PDF
Medeiros, J.D., Leite, L.R., Cuadros-Orellana, S., Oliveira, G. Taxonomic and functional diversity of microbial community from a mining environment. BMC Bioinformatics. 2015 16(Suppl 8):A3. PDF
Cordeiro, A.P., Pereira, R.A.S., Chapeaurouge, A., Coimbra, C.S., Perales, J., Oliveira, G., Candiani, T.M.S., Coimbra, R.S. Comparative proteomics of cerebrospinal fluid reveals a predictive model for differential diagnosis of pneumococcal, meningococcal, and enteroviral meningitis, and novel putative therapeutic targets. BMC Genomics 2015, 16(Suppl 5):S11. PDF
Chakrabarti, A., Oehme, I., Witt, O., Oliveira, G., Sippl, W., Romier, C., Pierce, R.J., Jung, M. HDAC8, a multifaceted target for therapeutic interventions. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences. 2015. 36(7):481-492. PDF
Marek, M., Oliveira, G., Pierce, R.J., Jung, M., Sippl, W., Romier, C. Drugging the schistosome zinc-dependent HDACs: current progress and future perspectives. Future Medicinal Chemistry. Special Focus Issue: Schistosomiasis, 2015. 7(6), 783-800. PDF
Palhares, R., Drummond, M., Brasil, B., Cosenza, G., Brandão, M.G., Oliveira, G. Medicinal plants recommended by the World Health Organization: DNA barcode identification associated with chemical analyses guarantees their quality. PLoS One, 2015. 10(5):e0127866. PDF
Oliveira, G., Pierce, R.J. How has the genomics era impacted schistosomiasis drug discovery? Future Medicinal Chemistry, 2015. 7(6):685-687. PDF
Costa, P.S., Reis, M.P., Leite, L.R., Araújo, F.M.G., Salim, A.C.M., Oliveira, G., Barbosa, F., Chartone-Souza, E., Nascimento, A.M.A. Metagenome of microbial a community inhabiting the metal-rich tropical stream sediment. PLoS One, 2015. 10(3): e0119465. PDF
Pereira, U.P., Bonetti, A.M., Goulart, L.R., Santos, A.R., Oliveira, G.C., Cuadros-Orellana, S., Ueira-Vieira, C. Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Melipona scutellaris, a Brazilian stingless bee. Mitochondrial DNA. 2015. Early Online 1-2. PDF
Grossmann, S.M.C., De Oliveira, G.C., Teixeira, R., Vieira do Carmo, M.A. Stimulated And Non-Stimulated Salivary Flows Should Be Tested For The Presence Of HCV RNA In Saliva Samples From Patients With Chronic Hepatitis C. Dentistry. 4(5):232. PDF
Cabezas-Cruz, A., Lancelot, J., Caby, S., Oliveira, G., Pierce, R.J. Epigenetic control of gene function in schistosomes: a source of therapeutic targets? Front. Genet. Evolutionary and Genomic Microbiology, 2014. 5:317. PDF
Carvalho, W.A., Domingues, R., Prata, M.C.A., Silva, M.G.V.B., Oliveira, G.C., Guimarães, S.E.F, Machado, M.A. Microarray analysis of tick-infested skin in resistant and susceptible cattle confirms the role of inflammatory pathways in immune activation and larval rejection. Veterinary Parasitology. 2014. 205:307–317. PDF
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