Cave invertebrate taxonomy and barcoding
Projetct aims:
The project aims at describing the taxonomy and evolutionary biology of the invertebrate fauna that inhabit caves with the use of DNA barcodes
Establish procedures for the large scale production of DNA barcodes
Produce DNA barcodes for the cave invertebrate fauna
Construct a DNA barcode library for the fauna of interest
Determine the barcode gap for the species of interest
Determine the intraspecific genetic diversity of species of interest
Establish a research network for cave invertebrate studies
Deposit data in public databanks
Funding: CNPq
Xavier Prous - Vale speleology team
Thadeu Pietrobon - Vale speleology team
Iuri Brandi - Vale speleology team
Robson Zampaulo - Vale speleology team
Mariane Ribeiro - Vale speleology team
Antonio Domingos Brescovit - Instituto Butantan
Igor Cizauskas - Instituto Butantan
Leila Aparecida Souza - Universidade Estadual do Ceará
Alanna Cristina Araújo Loiola Carneiro - Universidade Estadual do Ceará
Maurício Cavalcante Linhares - Universidade Estadual do Ceará
Douglas Zeppelini - Universidade Estadual da Paraíba